Saturday, July 21, 2012

Show some appreciation :0

Alhamdulillah, finally the best part of the year has come to us~
Now, everything is double positive |except the negative matters la|
And seriously, it feels absolutely good to be at home..

Additional issue: show some appreciation..
Hmm,, it sounds deep and full of dissatisfaction kan???
Nothing much, only a part of heart that sometimes should be revealed so that others would understand how a life should be, considering others and not only one mind to control everything and expect the result to be as their mind think of..
Why appreciation???
Do you ever think what would it feels like when you care and respect someone, as a friend and in turn that particular person never appreciates you??
And doesn't even acknowledge you as a friend??
You'll think that it must be yourself~others hate you, your character, the way you talk, the way you walk, the way you both meet, everything about you-in summary.
Its hard to always think about others when they never spent even a single second to think about us..

Keeping my mouth shut is my best action in this matter..
People have this three words EGO..
I think its been so long that I've tamed my EGO..
I can't stand this..